Tag: solitaire

Astral Solitaire

Astral Solitaire is a golf like solitaire game. With a retro/sci-fi style, your goal is lead your spaceship to the flag. You’ll win when you had cleared almost all cards…

Crystal Golf Solitaire

Welcome to our new version of classic Golf Solitaire! Deceptively simple to play – just click the cards that are one above or below the home card – and try…


Grump, the ultimate solitaire competition. No more solitaire by yourself, play five computer players in a race to the finish.

Windmill Patience

Windmill patience is a simple solitaire game. Try to build from ace to king four times on the central foundation, and from king to ace on the four outer foundations.…

Eagle Wing Patience

Eagle Wing is a patience game with a strong element of chance. Build up in suit on the foundations, and attempt to clear the 13 cards in the centre of…